September 19, 2024

Tag: funny

Blur, podcast

The Professional Blur Episode 12 – Chris Call

Chris Call has designed and gathered props for Brooklyn 99, Once Upon A Time in Hollywood, House Guest and a host of other things.  We talk props a lot this week, but we also talk about his turns as an extra, and his time working with Mr. Rogers. Check out my Professional Blur posts on […]

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Blur, podcast

The Professional Blur Episode 11 – Adam Grimes

I first met Adam Grimes when he portrayed an eerily-perfect Westley in A Drinking Game: The Princess Bride.  He’s since not only allowed me to be an extra in some of his short films, but he also added a brilliant part (and his own special effects) to my movie Looking Forward: 2016.  He has some fascinating […]

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Blur, podcast

The Professional Blur Episode 10 – David Nuttycombe

David Nuttycombe has been making comedy and writing and interviewing for quite some time, so its no surprise he’s made his way onto numerous sets, including with his friend, Sam Raimi. What might seem surprising, but is often the reality of an extra, is how many times he’s been chopped out. Check out my Professional […]

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Blog, podcast, Video

The PEZ Safe – Jason Does Something

Jason presents a 3-D model/print he’s been holding on to for a while – the PEZ safe, big enough to hold a MicroSD card, but the exact size of twelve pieces of PEZ candy, to hide away with your other PEZ. You can download the STL file here for free, or for a donation to […]

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The Professional Blur Episode 0 – Pilot
Blur, podcast

The Professional Blur Episode 0 – Pilot

I was an extra in everything from Mad Men to The Aviator.  My new podcast, The Professional Blur: My Life in the Background, is a chance for me to interview friends and collaborators about their own work as or with background actors.  This pilot episode is a little explanation of how the show will go. Check […]

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The Professional Blur Update

It’s crazy to me that after 20 years “officially” (read: first check) in the entertainment business, that extra work has any place among the things I regularly bust my ass to create.   When I was 19, getting paid to produce a video on grant writing, I didn’t even think I’d ever be an extra, let […]

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